World average prices
Category Latest 3 months 1 year
Gasoline 1.164 -5.29% -5.90%
Diesel 1.114 -4.62% -10.67%
Electricity: residential 0.155 0.26% 0.84%
Electricity: business 0.154 0.92% -0.65%
Natural gas: residential 0.080 1.27% -5.10%
Natural gas: business 0.060 -0.17% -5.36%
Notes: Averages weighted by GDP. Fuel prices: USD / liter. Electricity and natural gas prices: USD / kWh. Latest data from Q4 2024; Q1 2025 release by April 10, 2025.
Our data in the world media
Our data in use: academia
Comparative Politics: Fuel Price Pass-Through

ZEW working paper: German energy competitiveness

We offer subscriptions to fuel price forecasts for over 80 countries. The forecasts include projections for diesel and gasoline prices for the next 24 months under three scenarios. The forecasts are based on extensive research into the fuel price policies of each country. They are updated monthly to take into account the latest policy changes and oil price projections.

We also offer one-time on-demand forecasts without a subscription, as well as forecasts with a longer horizon of up to 10 years.

USA gasoline price analytics
Analytical metrics for the historical patterns of gasoline prices in the USA ...see more

USA gasoline price analytics

World map of diesel prices
An interactive map of the latest available diesel prices around the world ...see more

World map diesel prices

Gasoline affordability
Percent of income that it takes to buy a 40-liter tank of gasoline in various countries ...see more

Gasoline affordability

Natural gas prices
Compare residential and business natural gas prices by country. Charts of the most recent trends ...see more

Natural gas prices

Map of business electricity rates
World map of business electricity rates for 150 countries around the world ...see more

World map of business electricity prices

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