Colombia Gasoline prices, 07-Oct-2024

The current gasoline price in Colombia is COP 4,114.75 per liter or USD 0.99 per liter and was updated on 07-Oct-2024. For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world is USD 1.18 per liter.
Gasoline prices
 Current price 0.99
 Measure USD/Liter
 Last update 2024-10-07
 Data availability from 2014-11-03
 Data frequency Weekly
Source: Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas (CREG)

We show Octane-95 gasoline price data for Colombia from 2014-11-03 to 2024-10-07. The average gasoline price during that period is COP 2,490.79 per liter with a minimum of COP 1,951.89 on 2016-03-07 and a maximum of COP 4,114.75 on 2024-09-02. Our data are obtained from official government sources, regulatory agencies, petroleum companies, and major media sources. We update the series for Colombia every week.

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Gasoline prices
Price (COP/Liter) Percent change
 Current price 4,114.75 -
 One month ago 4,114.75 0.0 %
 Three months ago 4,091.76 0.6 %
 One year ago 3,688.90 11.5 %

Colombia Gasoline prices: The last eight weeks

Colombia Gasoline prices: The last eight weeks

Colombia Gasoline prices, liter, Colombian Peso

Colombia Gasoline prices: Historical graph; 2014-11-03-2024-10-07
* A long flat line means that the government fixes the prices.
Colombia: Gasoline price analytics
Percent of world average gasoline price     72.75%
Correlation with crude oil prices     0.37
Correlation with USD exchange rate     -0.38
Price flexibility index: 0 (low) - 1 (high)     0.19
Correlation with diesel fuel prices     0.74
Percent of diesel price     164.64%
Cost of 40 liter tank, percent of income     7.88%
Gasoline consumption, percent of income     2.01%
Updated monthly. Methodological notes
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