Indonesia Gasoline prices, 07-Oct-2024

The current gasoline price in Indonesia is IDR 12,290.00 per liter or USD 0.78 per liter and was updated on 07-Oct-2024. For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world is USD 1.18 per liter.

Indonesia Gasoline prices: The last eight weeks
Indonesia Gasoline prices: The last eight weeks

We show Octane-95 gasoline price data for Indonesia from 2014-10-27 to 2024-10-07. The average gasoline price during that period is IDR 10,759.15 per liter with a minimum of IDR 7,683.00 on 2016-10-24 and a maximum of IDR 18,394.00 on 2022-07-11. Our data are obtained from official government sources, regulatory agencies, petroleum companies, and major media sources. We update the series for Indonesia every week.

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Gasoline prices
Price (IDR/Liter) Percent change
 Current price 12,290.00 -
 One month ago 13,450.00 -8.6 %
 Three months ago 13,810.00 -11.0 %
 One year ago 15,448.00 -20.4 %

Indonesia Gasoline prices, liter, Indonesian Rupiah

Indonesia Gasoline prices: Historical graph; 2014-10-27-2024-10-07
* A long flat line means that the government fixes the prices.
Gasoline prices in Indonesia are set by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on a monthly basis. The government announces a benchmark price based on the recent oil prices and the USD exchange rate and allows regional variation depending on regional tax rate differences. Gas stations can set prices within 10 percent of that benchmark.

As the table below shows, the government formula keeps gasoline price movements fairly close to crude oil prices with a long-term correlation of 0.82. Gasoline and diesel prices are close and generally move together over time. In other words, fuel price policies for gasoline and diesel are similar.

Gasoline prices are relatively low in Indonesia compared to the world average which is in line with its status as an important oil producer. Nonetheless, because of relatively low income, it takes 10.12 percent of income to fill a tank of gasoline. Also, gasoline consumption is a significant share of income.
Indonesia: Gasoline price analytics
Percent of world average gasoline price     65.46%
Correlation with crude oil prices     0.82
Percent change if oil prices increase 10%     4.22%
Correlation with USD exchange rate     -0.62
Price flexibility index: 0 (low) - 1 (high)     0.23
Correlation with diesel fuel prices     0.95
Percent of diesel price     91.43%
Cost of 40 liter tank, percent of income     10.12%
Gasoline consumption, percent of income     2.54%
Updated monthly. Methodological notes
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