Slovakia electricity prices
The residential electricity price in Slovakia is
EUR 0.193 per kWh or USD 0.214.
The electricity price for businesses is
EUR 0.379 kWh or
USD 0.421.
These retail prices were collected in December 2023 and include the cost of power, distribution and transmission, and all taxes and fees.
Compare Slovakia with 150 other countries.
Historical quarterly data, along with the latest update from June 2024 are available for download.
Sources: Štatistický úrad Slovenskej Republiky, Stredoslovenská energetika A.S. (SSE), Východoslovenská energetika A.S. (VSE), Západoslovenská energetika A.S. (ZSE)
Electricity price analysis for Slovakia
- Residential electricity prices in Slovakia are 134.23% of the world average electricity price and 89.03% of the average price in Europe.
- Business electricity rates in Slovakia are 266.52% of the world average price and 198.38% of the average in Europe.
- Household rates are 50.92% of the business rates.
- Electricity prices paid by small businesses in Slovakia are 113.08% of the prices paid by big businesses.
- The price paid by households with low electricity consumption is 146.51% of the price paid by households with high electricity consumption.
- Fossil fuels: 19.14%
- Wind: 0.00%
- Solar: 2.66%
- Hydro: 13.09%
- Nuclear: 65.11%
- Geothermal: 0.00%