Switzerland electricity prices

The residential electricity price in Switzerland is CHF 0.342 per kWh or USD 0.374. The electricity price for businesses is CHF 0.277 kWh or USD 0.303. These retail prices were collected in June 2024 and include the cost of power, distribution and transmission, and all taxes and fees. Compare Switzerland with 150 other countries.

Historical quarterly data, along with the latest update from December 2024 are available for download.
Sources: Commission fédérale de l’électricité (ElCom), Swissgrid AG
Electricity price analysis for Switzerland

  • Residential electricity prices in Switzerland are 250.06% of the world average electricity price and 170.09% of the average price in Europe.

  • Business electricity rates in Switzerland are 205.73% of the world average price and 161.44% of the average in Europe.

  • Household rates are 123.47% of the business rates.

  • Electricity prices paid by small businesses in Switzerland are 126.52% of the prices paid by big businesses.

  • The price paid by households with low electricity consumption is 152.86% of the price paid by households with high electricity consumption.

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The energy mix of Switzerland

Based on the United States Energy Information Adminstration data from 2022, electricity in Switzerland is produced from the following sources: fossil fuels 0.89%, wind 0.26%, solar 6.62%, hydro 51.99%, nuclear 40.25%, and geothermal 0.00%. You can also compare the energy mix of Switzerland to other countries.

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